Author Archives: Staff Reporter

Thompson decides to answer seance questions

home pageBritish-born medium David Thompson, now based in Australia but travelling the world to demonstrate his physical mediumship, took exception to my report on one of his seances which I attended in the UK. He gave his own verdict on my report on his website, but refused to publish my response to the points he made or answer seven questions I put to him. But we now have the answers.

My original report resulted in 70 comments, for and against the evidential nature of Thompson’s mediumship, on, and my follow-up account of Thompson’s response led to 17 more, though technical problems (now resolved) made it impossible for many people to post their views.

At the same time, SpiritofPN website, run by Susan Farrow, reported on my experiences at the Thompson séance, giving a link to this website. It also published an incredible 366 comments, showing just how much interest there is in physical mediumship and also how varied the views are about its value and the quality of the phenomena produced.

Thompson even joined in those comments, saying in response to a contribution from me which set out the seven questions I had posed but which he had refused to answer:

“Dear Mr Stemman. You are quiet correct, I have chosen not to answer your questions, why should I? I am only answerable to the spirit world, not you or any other person. I choose not to engage with you any longer to promote your website or your forthcoming ventures. Please feel free along with your few cohorts to slap each other on the back and believe that you have made a contribution to a subject you only have limited knowledge about. Along with your cohorts please hear this: I AM NOT IN THIS LIFE TO LIVE UP TO YOUR EXPECTATIONS OR TO MEET YOUR NEEDS. Best Regards – David Thompson”

I responded to that statement with these words:

“I am sorry that Thompson has decided not to enter into a dialogue about his mediumship, either on his own website or on others. I think now it is just a matter of time before the voice of reason forces him to change his mind and to be more open, and hopefully Spiritualist organisations will take an active role in putting pressure on him to do so. Needless to say, I will continue to take a keen interest in the claims that are made for his mediumship and the evidence that is produced, despite the snub.”

Well, the good news is that David Thompson has had a rethink and decided to give an exclusive interview about his mediumship, not to me but to Sue Farrow for Spirit of PN. You can read the full account here. And, though he doesn’t answer my seven questions directly, he says he has answered them all in the interview. So, at last, I can now provide you all with Thompson’s responses to my questions, extracted from his lengthy replies to other questions posed by Sue Farrow and paraphrased for brevity.

1.     Is it the goal of yourself or your spirit helpers to ultimately produce materialisations or other physical phenomena in a red light?

Red light was used occasionally in the UK and more red light has since been used to show ectoplasm and other phenomena during his seances. But, he adds, “something more profound has been developing over the past year”. He says his spirit team is experimenting with “a form of natural or spirit-induced lighted conditions”. His circle has been told this will “hopefully allow more phenomena in natural spirit-lighted conditions with the séance room.

2.  If so, when do you expect that to happen?

“Anyone with any understanding of the fragile nature of physical mediumship and the energies required to create phenomena in the séance room will understand such light could take years to properly develop.”

3.  In the meantime, is it sensible to continue to demonstrate in total darkness, leaving some participants (as evidenced from responses to my Blog) unconvinced by the results?

“I have said before and will say again, our séance protocol forms clearly state, “All séances are held in complete darkness.” If someone doesn’t understand this they should not attend.”

4.  Are your spirit helpers striving to provide more personal survival evidence in the future and less show business entertainment from the likes of Quentin Crisp and Louis Armstrong?

Thompson says many people have received personal proof in the séance room: “We have recordings and a wealth of personal testimonials from people who’ve communicated with passed loved ones speaking in their normal voice and displaying known personality traits. Many have spoken in their native tongues, including German, Swedish, Yiddish, Russian and Mandarin.”

5.  Can your main spirit helper, William, explain why the materialised Gordon Higginson was unaware that his good friend Heather Hatton had passed over to spirit a year earlier when he communicated in Australia?

Thompson does not answer this question directly but has indicated to SpiritofPN anyone who understands any form of spirit communication should not even need to ask, because “it’s a little like asking a telephone operator why someone got facts wrong in someone else’s phone call! But I didn’t expect Thompson, as the medium, to know the answer. I specifically asked that his spirit helper, William, provided the answer – on the basis that, presumably, he is in constant contact with Higginson who has manifested a number of times at Thompson’s seances.

6.  Have your spirit helpers been asked about the introduction of night vision goggles or infra-red light to view and even film the materialised entities?

Thompson explains that physical mediumship is “so sensitive that even if one person in the séance room is sceptical or has a strong expectation, the quality of communication can be seriously impaired”. He goes on to say that the effects of the introduction of “infrared and thermal cameras, probes, etc, and the expectation of the operators” have to be considered, adding: “Think for a moment the type of vibration this will create. Is it any wonder we leave the control of any testing to our sprit team?”

He adds that the spirit team has said repeatedly that the circle needs to focus on the harmonious vibrations needed to produce advanced phenomena and that, at this stage, “running formal tests and the controversy that publishing the results might create would not be helpful to that aim”.

7.  Instead of being tied up during a séance, would you agree to being tested by SPR researchers using simple weighing devices that would monitor not only your presence in a chair throughout the séance proceedings, but also the independent existence (by weight) of any spirits that materialised? Such a method would be totally unobtrusive as far as light is concerned, if total darkness continues to be a necessary condition of your mediumship.

His response to this question is the same as given for question 6.

So, there we have it. Answers, at last, but I’m not sure they have taken us forward very far. Maybe his responses to Sue Farrow’s other questions will give readers more confidence that the Circle of the Silver Cord’s spirit helpers are working on a technological breakthrough that really will shed more light on David Thompson’s physical phenomena.

In the meantime, can we expect the Comments section on SpiritofPN to break the previous record of 366 contributions?

Er, no. In her introduction to the interview, Sue explains: “David Thompson has made it a condition of this interview that our Comments facility beneath it is disabled.”

No comments?

No comment!

GUIDANCE ON LEAVING COMMENTS:I’ve been following a global debate on Blogs and the facility to leave comments on many of them. There is a growing view that some individuals abuse this service and use it to make unwarranted or malicious attacks whilst hiding behind false identities. I moderate opinions expressed to ensure they are not libellous and I also believe that it is right to expect those wishing to make comments to provide some information about themselves, even if it is only a username and an email address, neither of which actually identifies who they are, of course. So I am asking those who wish to Comment to register with Disqus, which administers Comments on this and other sites, the first time they do so. Just write your comment, click on “Post as” and then on the “Register” option and provide the information requested. It’s simple. Don’t forget to make a note of your username and password.


Life after death for ‘Psychic News’

Eric HattonThat’s a headline that many of you never expected to see. But it’s true. Some 18 months after the Spiritualists’ National Union (SNU) decided to kill off the world’s only weekly Spiritualist newspaper, Psychic News, which had existed for almost 80 years, the J.V. Trust has become its new owner.

It has succeeded in doing a deal with the liquidator appointed to sort out the affairs of Psychic Press (1995) Ltd, the company the SNU set up to publish the newspaper when it acquired it more than 15 years ago.

News of its rescue comes today in this statement from Eric Hatton (left), the J.V. Trust chairman:

“My fellow trustees and I are absolutely delighted to announce that yesterday, 4 October, 2011, ownership of Psychic News, its archives and other assets passed to the J.V. Trust.

Psychic News has been Spiritualism’s most respected publication for almost eight decades, but since August 2010 its voice has been silent. The process of securing the paper’s future has proved a long and complicated saga, but it gives us great pleasure to know that we have at last been able to honour Maurice Barbanell’s wish that Psychic News should always continue in print as a mouthpiece for the truth of Spiritualism.”

PN front pageHow appropriate that a newspaper that has been proclaiming life after death for so long should now demonstrate it so positively with its own resurrection – though reincarnation might be a better term for its reappearance, since it is likely to have a new look.

How disheartening that its previous owners had neither the foresight nor the commitment to keep Psychic News alive. They could have breathed new life into it in order to attract more readers. They could have changed the publishing framework in order to provide it with financial support.

True, the newspaper had started to make a loss, but they should have realised that even mainstream religions fund publications which act as a voice for their beliefs. The SNU is certainly not short of money for other projects. In March it announced its acquisition of the newly-named Arthur Findlay Centre in Stafford, and renovations to accommodation at Stansted Hall are among other projects that are planned.

Instead of keeping the newspaper alive, they played around with liquidation (two companies were involved at various times); made all the staff redundant and had the gall to claim ownership of the Psychic News assets, which include the newspaper’s masthead, its archives, photo library and other effects, including the desk at which founder and editor Maurice Barbanell worked for many years.

It was this dispute over the ownership of the assets which proved to be a major stumbling block when the J.V. Trust offered to take over the business soon after the newspaper’s closure. The two parties met for discussions but the SNU refused to part with the assets. Why they thought anyone would purchase a loss-making business without its valuable assets I do not know.

Those SNU representatives who falsely claimed ownership of the assets should hang their heads in shame for not having done more to save it and, particularly, for attempting to prevent others from doing so. Their inability to grasp the reality of the situation was appalling and it meant that what could have been a fairly easy transfer of ownership from the Union to J.V. Trust became a long drawn-out process that will certainly have added considerably to the costs of the liquidation process, which means that creditors will get less, as well as taking a physical toll and putting a financial burden on those who lost their jobs.

Fortunately, the Spiritual Truth Foundation (which had transferred ownership to the Union in 1995) took legal advice and challenged the SNU’s claim over the assets. The SNU then conceded it was wrong, dropped its claim and the liquidator was able to offer them to interested parties.

J.V. Trust returned to the table and made the best offer and, after protracted discussions, the deal has been done.

Throughout, Sue Farrow, who lost her job as Editor of Psychic News when the paper closed, has longed for this day, even though at times it seemed beyond reach. She, together with former colleagues, has been keeping the spirit of Psychic News alive with a website called, appropriately, SpiritofPN, and shown remarkable patience and resilience.

This is what Sue has to say on her site about today’s announcement:

“It goes without saying that we are overjoyed that Psychic News is to live again. There is much else to say, but please bear with us as we adjust to the momentous events of the past 24 hours. Detailed coverage will appear here in the next few days. In the meantime, we offer heartfelt thanks to Eric Hatton, Hugh and Margaret Davis [his fellow trustees] for their tireless efforts in restoring Spiritualism’s most iconic voice to the movement.”

Former subscribers and advertisers will be eager to know more about how J.V. Trust plans to transform Psychic News into a viable enterprise in the future. I’ll share that information with you as soon as it is made available. In the meantime, let us hope that it will receive the support it deserves.

For those interested in learning more about this long sorry saga, here are links to my earlier posts:

Death of ‘Psychic News’?  10 July 2010

Tragedy: SNU kills ‘Psychic News’ 16 July 2010

Psychic News: the last issue  21 July 2010

Last Psychic News editor reveals all  22 August 2010

Life, death and asset stripping?  21 August 2010

Psychic News goes into liquidation  24 August 2010

SNU drops Psychic News liquidation  16 September 2010

Questions the SNU must answer  19 September 2010

Spiritualist leader or spoilt child?  30 September 2010

STF issues statement on the future of Psychic News  18 October 2010

Spirit of Psychic News rises from ashes  4 November 2010

Ownership of Psychic News assets under review  16 November 2010

Ownership of ‘Psychic News’ assets has been decided  22 March 2011


David Thompson replies — then refuses to give answers

Katie KingUPDATED 10th and 13th September
I’m delighted to report that British-born physical medium David Thompson has responded to my report on a “materialisation” séance I attended last month. I had hoped that it might open up a dialogue in which he would participate, on an immensely important subject and one that has been hotly disputed for more than a century, since the photo of the spirit of Katie King (left) was taken by Sir William Crookes.

His criticism of my Blog was posted on the website of his Circle of the Silver Cord. He also submitted it to me for inclusion as a Comment here and also as a comment on the SpiritofPN website where a healthy debate has also ensured.

Rather than publish it as just another Comment, I think it is important that Thompson’s views are not buried among the many other opinions that have been expressed, and for that reason I am treating it as a new topic. Besides, that gives me an opportunity to correct many of the misstatements and false assumptions he makes (see below). Unlike David, however, I am not going to suggest any ulterior motive – just his lack of knowledge in certain areas.

I expressed the hope that David would enter into the same spirit of openness by publishing my responses (and corrections) on his website so that his visitors are given both sides of the argument. He has refused to do so, which I believe will tell unbiased observers a lot about him and his mediumship. He first acknowledged the fact that I had responded to his comments with these words:

9th September: “In response to my last posting “Setting The Record Straight” the person it was addressed towards has replied by placing a new blog upon his website. In fairness to him please feel free to see his spin upon my answers to my previous article. I don’t wish to get into a backwards and forwards with him, trying to justify my mediumship to him, or to promote his website or meet his needs. As I stated in my previous post:

“I don’t deny that physical mediumship is not for everyone. If you are sceptical and can’t accept the possibility of materialisation in the dark, it’s not for you. Don’t apply to attend a séance that is clearly stated as being held in the dark on the protocol forms.”

David Thompson doesn’t give a link to this website, but hopefully his supporters will be able to find their way to If they do so, they will see that I did not put any “spin” on his words, simply corrected his inaccuracies and misrepresenations and put seven questions to him about his mediumship. But after just a few days on his website, “Setting the Record Straight” has been removed. Thompson explains why:

12th September: I have decided to remove the posting “Setting the Record Straight” [as] I do not wish to give these people any more of our time and certainly do not wish to help promote their obvious negativity on this website. Needless to say the article can be viewed on other websites if anyone wishes to read my answers to some of these somewhat dubious individuals.

Intriguingly, this statement is published alongside an image of Thompson with ecotplasm streaming from his mouth down over his knees which has the following caption: “Taken during a public seance in red light in Auckland, NZ (2009)”. Strange that a man who insists his seances are only held in the dark should publish a picture of himself producing ecotplasm in red light. It is this sort of discrepancy or inconsistency that leads people to make false assumptions about the conditions under which his seances are held and the phenomena that will be “witnessed” when they attend. At the same time, Thompson responded to my Comment on SpiritofPN with these words:

“Dear Mr Stemman. You are quiet correct, I have chosen not to answer your questions, why should I? I am only answerable to the spirit world, not you or any other person. I choose not to engage with you any longer to promote your website or your forthcoming ventures. Please feel free along with your few cohorts to slap each other on the back and believe that you have made a contribution to a subject you only have limited knowledge about. Along with your cohorts please hear this: I AM NOT IN THIS LIFE TO LIVE UP TO YOUR EXPECTATIONS OR TO MEET YOUR NEEDS. Best Regards – David Thompson”

I am sorry that Thompson has decided not to enter into a dialogue about his mediumship, either on his own website or on others. I think now it is just a matter of time before the voice of reason forces him to change his mind and to be more open, and hopefully Spiritualist organisations will take an active role in putting pressure on him to do so. Needless to say, I will continue to take a keen interest in the claims that are made for his mediumship and the evidence that is produced, despite the snub.

Without more ado, here’s what he had to say in his original post, under the headline. To help readers get the most from this exchange, I am giving my responses in purple type:

SETTING THE RECORD STRAIGHT. The negative and damaging article by Roy Stemman.

Materialisation mediums have, historically, had to put up with lies, distortions and personal attacks. It’s bad enough when these come from the materialists but after many years of keeping silent in the face of such attacks and most unfair provocations by a tiny number of people claiming to be “spiritual” I feel it is time to set the record straight for the sake of decent people who may inadvertently come across those attacks on the internet.

Recently, while I was on tour in the UK and Spain, Roy Stemman wrote a very negative article about my mediumship on the basis of one sitting. In it he made many inaccurate claims which I want to set straight.

First I want to point out that Roy Stemman is not a qualified afterlife investigator. As far as I know he is a journalist and knows nothing about scientific method.  His article was written as a “layperson” and with an “agenda”. It also shows he does not know about the refinements of physical mediumship.

Wrong! And also very silly. If David wants to dismiss my qualifications, that’s up to him. And I’m quite comfortable to be referred to as simply an investigative journalist. But that does rather overlook the fact that I first sat in a physical circle before David Thompson was born. I have since sat with a number of mediums claiming to possess physical mediumship and written about those experiences. I also have a large library of books on the subject so I understand better than most the historical significance of materialisations to the Spiritualist movement, as well as the many cases of fraud – one of which I was involved in exposing – that have given physical mediumship a bad name.

On the other hand, Montague Keen, who was the president of the Survival Committee of the Society of Psychical Research and a member for this SPR for 55 years, investigated my mediumship and wrote a glowing report. His conclusion was that my mediumship is genuine.

Monty was a good friend. As a long-standing member of the Society for Psychical Research I am, of course, well aware of the séance he had with David Thompson. Nothing I wrote about my own experience undermines Monty’s findings. It is not unusual, in the field of psychic research, for investigators to come to different conclusions about what they witness. Their debates, however, should lead to a better understanding of the phenomena being investigated and, hopefully, help produce results that are less questionable. For the record, I must point out that, like me, Monty was not a scientist – like me, he was a journalist. Also, let’s not forget that Monty’s verdict was based on a single session. I’m not criticising that, but David can’t have it both ways. My report, he argues, is unreliable because I am just a journalist who had only one séance with him. Montague Keen’s report, on the other hand, is reliable – presumably because it was favorable. David, it might also interest you to know that a report I published of the SPR debate on the Scole Experiment resulted in Monty writing a letter to me to say it was the best summary of the very complex case that he had seen. So, please don’t try to convince your followers that Monty and I are very different researchers. Our findings might differ but our approach is very similar.

After Montague Keen died he materialised through my mediumship on a number of occasions and a speech he dictated while materialised was read out at his funeral. He spoke to his wife, Veronica, while materialised, and she confirmed that it was genuinely Montague. And recently, while I was on the same tour, Robin Foy wrote three detailed and highly favorable reports on my mediumship. He claimed that he received evidential personal messages through my mediumship for which he had been waiting for a number of years. He is probably one of the most experienced afterlife investigators today, someone who has investigated physical mediumship for more than 50 years and was one of the key sitters in the highly regarded Scole Group.

I was also investigated thoroughly and systematically over a long period of time by a specialist in evidence – a lawyer – and by a psychologist. Both have professional degrees in scientific methodology and professional experience. Because they were totally convinced of the validity of my mediumship they asked me if they could join The Circle of the Silver Cord.

The True Facts

1) Roy says that he was expecting the séance to be conducted in red light yet he is on record for criticising the fact that my sittings, like those of Rita Gould and Stewart Alexander, are held in total darkness. The first sentence on the form that all sitters have to sign before attending states: “All sittings are held in total darkness” and this is made clear repeatedly in the pre-séance talks. 

Wrong! Though the forms we were sent before the séance did talk about darkness, I had read reports that David was producing some phenomena in red light. One of those attending the séance (Bill Meadows, I believe) told me in advance that we could expect phenomena in red light. However, his partner Christine, the circle leader, told us that the guides had informed her that red light would not be used on the evening I attended – and that seems to be the norm. A couple of additional points of accuracy. David’s spelling of Rita’s surname is wrong: it should be Goold. A minor point, I know, but it suggests he is not as familiar with other physical mediums as he claims. Certainly, his statement that Stewart Alexander’s seances are always held in the dark is false. Someone who has taken part in many of his public seances tells me that they have seldom failed to use “at least some red light”. Most often, she adds, “this is to enable people to see the materialisation of a hand or wrist. More recently, there has been a further experiment in red light where two sitters participate by placing their hands on the table, after which a spirit hand materialises close to their own. This is all clearly visible and Stewart’s own hands are on the table at the same time, controlled by the sitters at the table.” So, David, please check your facts before making false claims.

2) In the séance forms and pre-séance briefing it is made very clear that having a negative mindset can seriously interfere with the energy and affect the phenomena. People who have not investigated physical mediumship do not understand this fundamental fact. Having even one person in a room with a negative mindset can reduce the number of materialisations that happen and the strength of the phenomena. Coming to a séance with an already preconceived belief that unless the mediumship is held in lighted conditions it is not genuine is totally unethical. By having a fixed negative mind, Roy himself contributed to ‘lowering’ the energy of the séance.

I did? Then why was it that I was one of only four people to receive “personal” messages? Why did William not only place a hand on my head but also stand on my feet? And why did David Fontana pat me on the shoulder? No, I’m sorry, that negative attitude excuse doesn’t add up at all.

3) Roy says “that there was no evidence of anything paranormal in the séance” that he attended. Yet other people who were there commented on the extraordinary precision of the trumpets that flew around the room at lightning speed without hitting anyone and the fact that my chair was levitated and moved several meters at the end.  Both my feet were strapped in. Tony Pappard, a journalist with mediumship skills, is on record for stating that his partner came through with highly evidential messages.  Dr David Fontana, who investigated the Scole Experiment, left a highly evidential message for a person who sits in another circle: Ray Lister, Stewart Alexander’s circle leader, confirmed this and complimented myself and Christine after the séance.

I will comment on the experience of Tony Papard (not correct spelling of his name) later.

4)  “The medium controlled everything.” That is blatantly untrue. I did not do the searching, did not lead the circle, did not see the forms before the séance, did not strap myself into the chair, did not secure the gag and the binds, did not hold the clippers, did not control the music. The only thing I did was scan everyone with the metal detector and seat people (see next point). Given that my life is on the line because of the highly sensitive ectoplasm, I am unwilling to put both these responsibilities onto others. These kinds of misrepresentations I am informed amount to malicious writing against me.

David, you must learn to distinguish between reasonable observations, which was what I was making when considering events from a sceptical viewpoint, and what you term “malicious writing”.

5)  “The medium placed the sitters and would have been in a position to know where people sat.” Again this shows Roy’s inexperience with energy work as explained in point 2.  Anyone who has sat in a darkened séance room knows that it is extremely difficult to move around without bumping into people and impossible to walk across the room and touch someone on the head without first groping around to find them. In any event, as Robin Foy remarked at a subsequent séance, the materialised forms moved from one side of the large room to the other in an instant – something impossible for a bumbling human to do in the dark.

It was probably just coincidence that the people who had messages or who were touched by the “materialisations” were all sitting in easily accessible positions. But sceptics would find that suspicious, since David directed them to those seats.

6) Roy continues to misrepresent when he claims that I knew who would be attending and saw their forms and in advance of the séance, implying that I would use the information to search out facts about people attending. I had a quick look at the list and did not object to anyone – even Roy Stemman who is on record for having been sceptical of my mediumship before the séance. However I did not see any of the forms which are kept by the organisers who checked the IDs.

Wrong! There’s clearly no misrepresentation in my report. David admits that he had “a quick look” at the list of sitters in advance. He doesn’t say how much in advance. But the need to provide names and photo ID are highly suspect in my view.

Asking people to sign the form and provide evidence of their identity again on entry is a way of reducing the likelihood of someone giving their ticket to another person whose intent may not be of a positive nature and out to prove the medium is a fraud by grabbing the materialisations. This is done because of legal advice given to me.  The form was introduced because a New York lawyer stated that if he was allowed to attend he would do a football tackle onto the materialised spirit.

I don’t see how asking people for photo ID is going to prevent someone doing something they should not do during a physical séance, though I am fully in agreement with making people aware of their legal responsibilities during such events.

Such things have happened in the past e.g. to Alec Harris when a trusted sitter obtained tickets and then passed them on to two sceptical journalists who tried to grab a materialized form. As a result Alec was almost killed and his mediumship was never the same.

Legal advice stated it was important to make every potential sitter aware of his/her legal duty and liability should they violate the strict security protocols. This is important so that they will take seriously their obligations and know that they will be held legally accountable for their behavior and cannot plead ignorance afterwards. The Circle never had problems with decent people, but it is critically important to follow legal procedures. I make no apology for doing everything to protect my health and my safety since in the past I have been cut, burned and bruised by sitters who were not aware of the danger.

7) In any event, the kind of evidence that comes though in a personal reunion is not the kind of thing that can be researched in advance on the internet – things like what was put into the coffin of your loved one, pet names, the way a loved one behaved, the last words you said to them.

Unfortunately, no such stunning evidence was produced at the séance I attended.

8) Roy’s misleading report claims that a competent stage illusionist could have escaped from the cable ties and run around the room in the dark for one and a half hours, manipulating the trumpets and creating the voices of William, Timothy, Louis Armstrong, Quentin Crisp, May, David Fontana, Tony Pappard’s partner George and the lady’s grandfather. He would have had to re-attach the plastic straps and obtain new cable ties and clip them off to the same length. This would mean that I would also have had to have created all the hundreds of the voices of loved ones who spoke in hundreds of reunions over the last ten years including voices in Russian, French and Chinese as well as imitating barking dogs which jumped on their owners’ laps.

I remind Roy that I am not a competent stage illusionist – I worked in the aviation industry. And I have a strong English accent. If I could do what he claims I would be making a lot more money in a magic act in Las Vegas.

I also remind him that a number of experienced investigators including Montague Keen and Robin Foy have thoroughly inspected the plastic one way cable ties I always use and concluded that it is not humanly possible to escape from them.

I suspect that they might have said the same thing about the way in which an escape artist is trussed up … only to see him get out of them. So, I’m going to suggest an experiment shortly that would overcome that criticism.

Montage Keen’s report stated – in his own words:

“It is almost an article of faith among many psychical researchers that unless physical phenomena are capable of being clearly witnessed, or alternatively that infra-red video recording is available, no persuasive evidence of anything paranormal is possible. Although the spirit portrayed as Sir William Crookes explained why an infra-red video camera might be damaging to the medium at his present stage of development, the general rule of evidentiality may be broken if the other security measures justify an unambiguous assertion that deception on the part of the medium was impossible. The nature of the ties would have prevented the medium, no matter how strong or agile, from escaping his bonds without first managing to cut the ties. Even had he been able to do so, he could not have regained his seat and retied the knots unaided, employing a new set of uncut ties, unless he had been helped by someone able to work deftly, accurately and swiftly in pitch dark. No-one in the séance room could have attempted that without ready detection. Moreover my careful examination of the chair showed no sign of any movable join. Finally, the reversal of the medium’s cardigan while he was still bonded to his seat defies normal explanation. The precautions here were superior even to those employed by Schrenck Notzing on Eva C, who was sewn into a single garment, or on the physical medium Jack Webber, where less sophisticated tying methods, and materials, were used. The voices themselves could not have come from the gagged medium. The only other ‘regulars’ on whom suspicion might rest were his wife, Paul the leader who was seated next to me, and whose voice and location would have clearly identified him, and DF, the host, who was seated at the opposite end of the room from the medium. Any of these possibilities would have easily and immediately been detectable by those present, as well as likely to be defeated by listening to the tape recording.”

9) The report claims falsely that Harry Houdini is a member of the spirit team and implies that he gave me instructions in escapology. Please!!! A spirit claiming to be Harry Houdini came through – as a visitor – just a few times in 2007 and has not done so since and all visits were recorded. His main purpose was to apologise for his persecution of the Davenport Brothers and Margery Crandon. At no time did he even mention escapology.

Totally false! I implied no such thing. I made the point that “since Harry Houdini is said to be one of his regular séance visitors” David should be aware that a competent stage illusionist (which Houdini was, of course) could easily escape from restraints. I never suggested Houdini had taught David to do so. How absurd.

10) On a number of special occasions when the energy is right William allows sitters to approach the cabinet, turn on a red light, and see that I am still unconscious in the chair at the same time as he or other spirits are talking in direct voice. During the recent tour Robin Foy witnessed two independent checkers doing this. In the home circle lawyer Victor Zammit and medium Sunny Burgess have had this experience. However the energy field has to be extremely good for this to happen and the person approaching the cabinet has to have William’s complete trust.

11) Roy Stemman unfairly accuses me outright of fraud when he says that the materialisations felt like a normal human being – “which they clearly were”.  This shows he has not done his research. Everyone who has ever experienced contact with a fully materialised figure states that they feel normal to the touch and sound, like a normal human being. In one case a doctor examined a fully materialised figure produced by Mirabelli and found that he had a pulse and heartbeat. Clearly this shows Roy is limited in his knowledge about materialisations.

This is David twisting words again. What I was saying was that a materialised spirit is just like a living, breathing, walking, talking person. No difference. So, if you are sitting in the dark and someone puts their hand on your head and claims to be a spirit, how are you to know that it really is a ghostly form and not a human? Without some form of light, or superbly evidential messages, making that judgment is not easy.

12) Again Roy implies fraud – a very serious damaging and unfounded claim – by saying that the boot William placed on Roy’s foot had a ridge on it ‘like David’s trainers’. How can he tell the difference between boots which have ridged soles and trainers? Did he not notice that the voice of William who was six foot two was much higher in the room than mine would have been and that William’s hand placed on his head was much larger than mine? At a subsequent séance in Spain, and specifically in relation to Roy’s claim, Robin Foy asked William to demonstrate the sound of his boots on the floor and showed it was completely different to the sound of trainers. This also shows that Roy ‘had an agenda’ before the séance.

Correct! I do have an agenda. It is to encourage those who claim to possess physical mediumship to develop it to the point where they can demonstrate it in a way that dispels doubts – as Alec Harris clearly did. I’m not sure why William has to waste ectoplasm by materialising boots, but let’s leave that discussion to another day.

13) Roy Stemman found it peculiar that the materialised David Fontana knew that Roy was writing a book but didn’t know that Roy had recently sent it to publishers when Roy wrote about it on his website. More credible is that David Fontana heard his colleagues in the spirit world mention the book in connection with the fact that Roy Stemman would be sitting. Why would Roy think David Fontana would be interested to read his website? Just because we go to the spirit world we don’t suddenly become all knowing.

Wrong again. David, once more, is twisting my words. He omits the fact that David Fontana told me he had been helping me with my book. The point I made was that, if he were doing so, he should have known that I had finished it. I didn’t suggest that Fontana would be reading my Blog in the spirit world.

14) The report claims that David Fontana offered no survival evidence when he would have been acutely aware of the need for such evidence. However, Ray and June Lister confirmed that they were given a message to take to someone not present about something they knew nothing about. Is this not the best kind of survival evidence?

I’ll make contact with Ray and June to find out more about that particular message.

15) The report claims that Tony Papard was unhappy with the quality of evidence he received when the very next day Tony confirmed that he had been in contact with his deceased partner who confirmed everything. Tony has gone on record that he was very happy with the survival evidence. He writes:

” At the last sitting in August this year my partner came thru with some …evidential stuff including the name of a friend’s dog and an analogy about barriers dividing loved ones concerning something we disagreed about in life -the Berlin Wall. It was significant that the 50th anniversary of its erection was the night of August 13th/14th 2011 and the séance was on August 15th 2011.

“My partner mentioned the 28 years this barrier stood, i.e. the barrier between this world and the next. My partner spoke in a soft, shy voice as in life (he hated speaking in public and there were about 30 people at the séance.) I felt his small hands touch my cheeks. Although he couldn’t get the voice right as a first-time communicator by this method, I know it was him. He also said he was a ‘pain’ in life, and another medium gave me a similar message from him, that he could be ‘selfish’. This was also evidential, though as I replied to him at the séance I could be a right pain too at times.”

I think, David, that visitors to your site should be made aware that most of what Tony has written, above, emanates from his own mediumship. All that he received at your séance was one name, Sandy, which is a dog he had written about on his website, and a number – 28. He has decided what significance that number has, rightly or wrongly. To me, it demonstrates the lack of real evidence from these “materialisations”. In fact, Tony agrees with me. In a subsequent comment on my Blog he wrote: “But, I have to agree with you, I’ve had better evidence of survival at a clairvoyance meeting at the Fairfield Halls with Colin Fry who described my grandmother’s death, gave her first name, and intricate details of what happened to my mother’s kitchen which he couldn’t have possibly known about …”

16) The report claims that there was nothing strikingly evidential in the father-daughter reunion but he then says that Tony Papard was the only person he spoke to after the séance. How would he know what was evidential to the daughter if he didn’t ask?

True. But as the séance was in total darkness, I not only could not see the materialisations but I couldn’t see who they were talking to either!

17) He then goes on to suggest that more survival evidence would be produced in my mental mediumship and trance sessions. Clearly this shows his bias against physical mediumship. I am also informed by another reliable member of my Circle that Roy had expressed anti-materialisation views well before the séance.

Wrong. I believe there have been some outstanding materialisation mediums over the years.

I don’t deny that physical mediumship is so logically impossible to people who have not studied it that their minds go into turmoil trying to find whether it is a trick. This is why we bend over backwards to include as many security protocols as we can without jeapardising the phenomena.

However, the way that Stemman rushed into print the very next morning without checking the above facts and his subsequent actions in allowing a few people who had existing grudges against me to post on his forum without giving their names shows a total disregard for ethics.

I did not rush into print next morning. I simply reported on what I experienced while it was fresh in my mind (it’s the sort of thing investigative reporters do, David) and if I had waited a week my report would have said exactly the same things.

Also, most serious, was when he deliberately omitted any mention of the reports of Montague Keen and Robin Foy and others like Ann Harrison, Tom and Lisa Butler, the directors of ATransC, who have written positive reports of their experiences and the personal evidence they received.

There are very good reasons why! First, I was reporting on a single séance that I attended, not writing a review of your past mediumship. Secondly, some of the reports of seances you refer to (Ann Harrison, Robin Foy) had not even taken place when I sat with you.

 It is no coincidence that the main people posting on his forum and the Spirit of PN forum where he immediately placed his article are people who have a long-standing personal agenda against me, who I will reveal the reasons for with back up evidence in the future.

Wrong again, David. You seem to be making a habit of this. Spirit of PN kindly made a PDF version of my Blog available when my website ‘s servers went out of action for two days. Once it was up and running, Spirit of PN simply gave a link to my site. Nothing sinister in that, I’m afraid.

Others who supposedly support them anonymously have no credibility – it is very easy to create multiple fake accounts for anonymous posting on a forum.

Sadly, this little group of cohorts was and still is allowed to jump on the bandwagon created by Roy Stemman’s willfully biased reporting – to intentionally hurt me. There is a saying ‘Birds of a Feather flock together”.

There’s also a saying about feathering one’s own nest … but let’s not go there.

I don’t deny that physical mediumship is not for everyone. If you are sceptical and can’t accept the possibility of materialisation in the dark it’s not for you. Don’t apply to attend a séance that is clearly stated as being held in the dark on the protocol forms.

Also don’t try to score cheap points by omission and distortion.  A fair and balanced view is to give ALL facts not just the ones that fit a person’s personal agenda. In the end, you will only be hurting yourself because decent people will avoid any forum that encourages spitefulness, envy, hatred and negativity.

David Thompson (Circle of the Silver Cord)

While it’s true that some people go too far in their criticisms (or support), I’m keen that this dialogue should not descend into a war of words that gets nobody anywhere. Instead, I’d like to put seven questions to David:

1.  Is it the goal of yourself or your spirit helpers to ultimately produce materialisations or other physical phenomena in a red light?

2.  If so, when do you expect that to happen?

3.  In the meantime, is it sensible to continue to demonstrate in total darkness, leaving some participants (as evidenced from responses to my Blog) unconvinced by the results?

4.  Are your spirit helpers striving to provide more personal survival evidence in the future and less show business entertainment from the likes of Quentin Crisp and Louis Armstrong?

5.  Can your main spirit helper, William, explain why the materialised Gordon Higginson was unaware that his good friend Heather Hatton had passed over to spirit a year earlier when he communicated in Australia?

6.  Have your spirit helpers been asked about the introduction of night vision goggles or infra-red light to view and even film the materialised entities?

7.  Instead of being tied up during a séance, would you agree to being tested by SPR researchers using simple weighing devices that would monitor not only your presence in a chair throughout the séance proceedings, but also the independent existence (by weight) of any spirits that materialised? Such a method would be totally unobtrusive as far as light is concerned, if total darkness continues to be a necessary condition of your mediumship.

I look forward to receiving your responses to these seven questions, and also to seeing my responses to your comments posted on the Circle of the Silver Cord website.


As the update to this post has already pointed out, David Thompson has refused to answer the questions posed or to share my responses with visitors to his website. And he has now removed “Setting the Record Straight” from his own website. I leave my readers to draw their own conclusions.

Sorry… we dematerialised

APOLOGIES to those of you who were following links to my Blog and found not only that they did not work but also that the entire website had disappeared and was inaccessible. This gave rise to a few conspiracy theories but the reason was far more prosaic. The Servers on which was hosted, along with hundreds of other websites, crashed spectacularly. It has taken the hosting company 48 hours to retrieve the data from those Servers and transfer it to new ones, and then to get the owners of those websites to point their domains at the new Servers. All very technical and frustrating, but finally accomplished.

However, once that was sorted we discovered another problem: new Comments were not appearing. Eventually, we found the Comments: they were being directed to a mirror version of my Blog, so old comments were on this website but new ones went elsewhere and, generally, were not visible. That, too, is now sorted and all Comments are once more integrated. So, sorry for any inconvenience. I’m pleased to say normal (or should that be paranormal?) service has now been resumed and hopefully will not be interrupted by gremlins in the future.

Let’s get physical… or did we?

Black boxLast night, I either witnessed a remarkable display of physical mediumship by David Thompson, a Brit who now resides in Australia and who claims to produce full-form materialisations (the black box replaces his image, at his request), or a blatant deception that is succeeding in fooling many otherwise sensible people. So which was it?

The only way to make up one’s mind in such a situation – in which the 40-plus people attending this séance at Jenny’s Sanctuary in Oxfordshire were literally in the dark – is to examine both scenarios and ask which, logically, makes the most sense. That’s what I’m about to do, in the hope that the views of visitors to this Blog may also contribute some useful insights.

Many of us arrived at 6pm in order to meet the strict 6:30pm deadline, expecting a prompt 7pm start. But Thompson, a stocky, personable and confident 45-year-old, whose Cockney origins are now vocally mixed with an Australian twang, took a very long time to explain proceedings to newcomers, as well as the reasons for the state of high security (more about that later).

He also regaled us with some of the outstanding evidence that has been produced through his mediumship at the Circle of the Silver Cord before dealing with some of the questions and criticisms that have been raised about his mediumship.

It must have been around 7:30pm before his lecture ended and his partner Christine Morgan, also a medium and the circle leader for the evening, began her extended explanation of why things would be done in a certain way. At long last, it was time for the séance to begin.

Jenny's Sanctuary

I’m going to write two reports: the first from the viewpoint of someone who believes he has been privileged to witness the exceedingly rare phenomenon of materialisation; the second from a sceptical perspective. You can be the judge of which one comes closest to capturing the truth.

What a believer saw
The séance began with Thompson selecting two “checkers” to help make sure his cardigan was securely fastened with plastic cable ties and that the straps that secured his arms and legs to the armchair were tight and also secured by cable ties. That done, Christine Morgan produced a flimsy scarf that was used as a gag – the middle placed between Thompson’s teeth and the ends knotted at the back of his neck.

The chair was inside a curtained cabinet with a long piece of board on the floor in front, covering the carpet. The front curtain was pulled and lightbulbs removed from their sockets, then black tape placed around the door to ensure not a glimmer of light could penetrate the darkness. Those precautions in place, a Circle of the Silver Cord member, guided by Christine, started playing recorded music and everyone sang along for about 10 minutes while we waited for the first manifestations.

When the physical phenomena started, it was immediately impressive. We heard distinct footsteps and then a very loud voice addressed us from the centre of the room. It was William Charles Cadwell, Thompson’s main spirit control, speaking very distinctly.

Not only did the materialised spirit walk around the room, speaking to various individuals, but he also placed his hand firmly on some individual’s heads, having first sought their permission to do so. They felt “a large hand” and Cadwell said they should check out the medium’s hands at the end of the séance and they would see that they were small for a man.

I was one of those he approached, observing that I was of “an inquisitive nature”. I can confirm that his hand, which was placed on my head very precisely in the pitch-black room, felt large and solid. He then said that he would demonstrate he was fully materialised by touching my feet, at which point I felt the spirit’s feet placed firmly on mine.

“What does that tell you?” he asked. “That you have one hand and two feet,” I replied, to the amusement of some of those present. He then made it clear that he had materialised more than one hand, placing one each side of my face. They felt warm and human.

William Charles Cadwell spent a considerable time answering sitters’ questions of a spiritual nature in language that was flowery and rather old-fashioned.

The next spirit to materialise was Timmy, a mischievous boy who put on a very impressive aerobatic display with a trumpet (a long conical megaphone, used in séances to amplify spirit voices) whose luminous marking created a “light show” as it flew around the room, coming astonishingly close to our faces and even nudging us.

The Circle of the Silver Cord’s “regulars” then appeared. Quentin Crisp, the writer and homosexual rights campaigner, was as flamboyant as ever; May, a black woman from America’s deep south who called female sitters “Missie” and raised our spirits with her shrill laugh; and Louis Armstrong, the jazz trumpeter proved he is still in good voice despite having been dead for 30 years.

Dacid FontanaThe biggest surprise for me was the spirit return of Prof David Fontana (right), who spoke with Ray Lister (who has considerable experience of physical phenomena) who was sitting on my right. Suddenly, the materialised spirit said words to the effect, “Goodness, is that Roy Stemman?”. I assured him it was. “How is your book coming along?” he enquired. I told him it was finished and he informed me that he had helped me with it. I said I was not aware of his help but was grateful for it. And with that he was gone.

Two sitters received brief personal messages and then the proceedings came to an end with a loud bang, which Christine informed us was caused by the medium’s chair. A beautiful song was played while Thompson came out of trance and then, when light was gradually allowed into the room and lightbulbs put back in place, Thompson was seen to be still in the armchair, which was no longer in the cabinet but on the board outside the curtained recess. His arms and legs were still securely tied and the cable ties were also in place. But incredibly his cardigan, also still securely fastened, was now back to front!

It was a wonderful display of physical phenomena, conducted under the strictest of conditions, reuniting us with those eager to demonstrate that death is not the end, while this talented medium remained firmly tied up.

What a sceptic saw
Everything about the David Thompson séance lent itself to the interpretation that what we saw was a carefully stage-managed and orchestrated performance which, when analysed, provided no evidence that what was taking place was paranormal, let alone proof of spirit return.

The medium controlled everything. He knew who would be attending because we were required to provide our details in advance and bring with us photo ID to prove we were who we said we were.

Before being allowed into the séance room we had to remove our shoes, watches and jewellery and empty our pockets. Nothing metallic was allowed into the séance room, so belts had to be taken off too. People wearing rings that were too tight to be taken off had to cover them with black tape. It was explained that anything that might produce a source of light would be a great danger to the medium’s health as it could cause the ectoplasm to return to his body rapidly, with fatal consequences.

We were each then subjected to a pat-down search before entering the séance room, where Thompson then ran a metal detector over each of us before directing us to the seat he wanted us to occupy. Where he placed us, it was explained, depended on “balancing the energies” but it also meant, of course, that he knew where each of us was.

Because so many attended, the seats were assembled in two rows along two of the room’s walls and a single row along a third, which was where I was sitting.

The phenomena that were alleged to be occurring would also have been remarkable if there had been a red light to allow us to see at least some of the phenomena taking place. Instead, we were in total darkness the whole time. It has been reported that Thompson does produce phenomena in a red light, but his guides chose not to use it for this séance!

A red light would also have confirmed that Thompson did not have a way of getting out of the restraints, impersonating the spirits who were supposed to be walking among us, before pulling the cardigan over his head and then putting it back on, the wrong way round, and then slipping back into the straps.

He and his supporters will argue that what I am suggesting is impossible, but a competent stage illusionist can easily accomplishes such trickery, as Thompson should know since Harry Houdini is said to be one of his regular séance visitors.

Though Thompson and Morgan had spoken of full-form materialisations, we never saw any such thing.  When a voice announced the arrival of a new communicator we all had to join hands. This was to ensure we didn’t accidentally touch the materialised spirit, which could cause the ectoplasm to recoil and damage the medium. But, the spirits could apparently touch us with immunity. It was simply a way to ensure no one reached out with their hands and felt more than they should have done.

These spirits were invisible to our eyes but they felt like a normal human being, which they clearly were. When “William Charles Cadwell” proved his physical presence to me he had done so with a hand on my head and then stepping on my feet. Not only did he have the weight of a normal person but he was also, clearly, wearing trainers. I could feel the hardness of their ridged soles (Thompson was wearing trainers) on my toes. I, of course, was wearing only socks on my feet as shoes were not allowed in the séance room.

I was also surprised that David Fontana recognised me. I had met him only once and, though we had briefly corresponded, he showed no signs of recognising me when we attended subsequent meetings of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR). During the séance he asked me how my book was coming along and volunteered that he had helped me with it. If he had helped me with it, as claimed, why was he unaware that it was finished? I wrote recently about sending the manuscript to my publisher.

I was astonished that Fontana, a former president of the SPR who knew the importance of providing good survival evidence, offered none, apart from giving me a word that he said could be used as a cross-correspondence in the future, presumably to confirm it is he who is communicating.

Only two of the sitters received personal messages from “materialised” spirits but they were hardly packed with evidence. After the séance, I spoke with one of them, whose name (Tony) had been called in a weak voice by a communicator. It claimed to be his partner, though it was Tony who volunteered the name George, to encourage the voice to speak. The communicator mentioned the number 28 and Tony asked if he meant the number of years they had been together, receiving an affirmative response. In fact, they had been together 21 years. George also mentioned Sandy, and this, I learned, was the name of a dog about which George always showed concern. [I discuss this message, and an interesting discovery, in my reply to Thomas in the Comments at the end of this Blog.]

The other communicator was a father looking for his daughter, who answered very cheerily and exchanged pleasantries, but nothing strikingly evidential appeared to be said.

In other words, everything we heard and witnessed could have been produced by the medium, once he had got free from the straps.


So, two different accounts, written from different perspectives, of the same event. Where do I stand? Apart from feeling still slightly in the dark about the methods David Thompson uses, I feel much more drawn to the sceptical viewpoint than a believer’s.

I say that despite knowing that others, whose views I respect and who have had plenty of experience of physical mediumship, are very firm believers in the authenticity of Thompson’s mediumship.

Rather than argue about its genuineness or otherwise, let me make some more general observations and pose some logical questions.

Those of us who believe that physical mediumship, such as full form materialisation and direct voice, is possible and has been demonstrated in the past, fully understand the need for precautions that protect the well-being of the medium. I have no qualms about that. But the end result is what counts, and that should be the production of evidence that goes beyond, or at least matches, what can be obtained through other forms of mediumship, such as clairvoyance and trance.

What is the point of us all being searched and passing through the levels of security one normally experiences only at airports, just to hear in a darkened room the philosophical meanderings of someone who claims to be a 19th century philosopher?

Quentin CrispWhat is the point of going to all the trouble of manifesting ectoplasm, just so that a Louis Armstrongpoor imitation of Quentin Crisp can carry on cheerful banter with sitters, and Louis Armstrong can once again rasp away in something approaching his inimitable voice?

Why, if enough ectoplasm is being produced to allow these long-dead celebrities to perform for us again, is it not being used more effectively to reunite loved ones and provide real evidence that the phenomena is real? The grieving sitters who travel long distances to attend Thompson’s séances do so not for cheap entertainment but hopefully to receive convincing proof of life after death – and that’s not what most of them are getting.

I paid good money to see and hear Quentin Crisp’s one-man show in London many years ago. Listening to his second-rate performance in the dark was not an experience I would want to repeat.

And why, oh why, does Thompson and his team not do more to remove the doubts that inevitably exist about his mediumship? If he really is entranced and sits the whole time in the armchair, why not allow two independent individuals to sit either side of him and place a hand on his arm? That way, there would be no need for cable ties and all the other paraphernalia of a good escapologist. At the very least, place luminous bands at various points on his body to indicate the presence of his entranced and lifeless body.

I know that the answer to such questions is that such measures would prevent the phenomena from occurring in some way. But, without them, such doubtful performances are likely to bring physical mediumship and Spiritualism in general into disrepute.  Which raises another question: why are the major Spiritualist organisations not either investigating Thompson’s mediumship or expressing a view on the conditions under which his seances are held?

Their silence is tantamount to endorsing them.

Clearly, I find myself more in the sceptical camp than the believers. But I would love to be proved wrong.

On a more positive note, Christine Morgan told us that the Circle of the Silver Cord is moving towards the production of phenomena in light conditions. If that is achieved, then most of the doubts expressed above would melt away. Until then, I question the wisdom of allowing these public “displays” in darkened rooms that provide very little in the way of evidence that they really are what they purport to be.

Tonight, at the same venue, David Thompson and Christine Morgan are giving a double demonstration of mental mediumship. My guess is that it will provide much more in the way of evidence than last night’s blacked-out proceedings, and for just £5, compared with £45 per person for the physical séance.

And that underlines the absurdity of public physical séances that fail to deliver the goods. If you can shed further light on what I witnessed – or rather, what I didn’t witness, let me know. One last observation: I’ve just come across an account of a séance Thompson gave in America in 2007 which shows that all the elements – total darkness, actions of the “materialisations”, were the same then as they were last night. It’s like a scripted play with the same actions but with some of the dialogue changed to suit the participants.

As well as the Comments below, visitors with a particular interest in this subject may also care to see the comments that have been made on the SpiritofPN website, following a brief account of my Blog by its editor, Sue Farrow.